We All Have Weird Roots

I have always been drawn to stories with a strong emotional core. My latest collection of artworks is inspired by the interplay between the seen and unseen, inviting viewers to examine these dynamics through the lens of common houseplants. Each piece transforms the pot into an X-Ray, revealing an elaborate network of roots that otherwise remain hidden.

While the visible parts of plants often attract our attention, I’m most fascinated by their buried roots. Beneath the soil, they form a tangled and intimate world—some roots are thick with rhizomes, others delicate and wispy. This hidden complexity mirrors our own lives. Just as houseplants present a facade to the world, we too have outer selves that mask the knotted and messy layers within. Our inner worlds are quirky, tangled, beautiful, and wild.

Through this collection, I invite viewers to explore and investigate what lies beneath the surface, both in nature and in ourselves. Turns out, we all have weird roots in one way or another.

Gouache artworks on paper.

Please enquire for pricing and availability.